Monday, October 11, 2010


So, something extraordinary happened today. After getting off the mobile mental institution they call a bus, I trudge home wondering what flavour chips to have in my routine chippy sandwich.

After soundly deciding on Salt & Vinegar I look to my left only to see a magnificent sight. A young boy, probably aged around 9-10, was backing out of his front door laying down dominos faster than I've ever seen before, in seconds he was already down his front few steps. Then, I hear a sharp bang from inside the house (possibly a door closing?). I watch in awe and sorrow as from inside the house I see the dominoes falling down, leading a path of destruction right to the boy. The boy then dropped to his knees, looked up at me with a face stricken with grief, then to my surprise the boy screamed a scream almost identical to my vacuum cleaner "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!".

 I quickened my pace and sped home, sat down, had my sandwich and jumped on here to share this frightful chapter of my day with you.

Also, has anyone noticed the bus charge go up? I mean GST rose from 12.5% to 15%, the bus fares should in theory only be $1.025 for a student, this rise to $1.50 is absolutely ridiculous, I have a mind to mail a calculator to Runcimans and give them the equation to work out how much the fare should have really increased. Slack work Runcimans, slack.

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